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ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.25

Συστήματα πυρανίχνευσης και συναγερμού - Μέρος 25: Ραδιοζευκτά εξαρτήματα

ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.25

Συστήματα πυρανίχνευσης και συναγερμού - Μέρος 25: Ραδιοζευκτά εξαρτήματα


This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for components used in fire alarms systems, installed in and around buildings, which use radio frequency links (RF links) to communicate. It also provides requirements for the evaluation of conformity of the components to the requirements of this European Standard. Where components work together and this requires knowledge of the system design, this document also specifies requirements on the system. When the fire detection and fire alarm systems (FDAS) use wired and RF links, the relevant parts of EN 54 apply together with this document. Requirements relevant to wire links are superseded or modified by those included in this European Standard. This document does not restrict:  the intended use of radio spectrum, e.g. frequency, power output of devices;  the allowed maximum number of the components using RF links within the FDAS or one transmission path and/or RF link;  the allowed maximum number of the components affected by loss of one transmission path and/or RF link. These requirements relate to national regulations and can vary from member state to member state.


Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης


Ελληνικός Τίτλος

Συστήματα πυρανίχνευσης και συναγερμού - Μέρος 25: Ραδιοζευκτά εξαρτήματα

Αγγλικός Τίτλος

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 25: Components using radio links

Στάδιο Προτύπου

Τεχνική Επιτροπή

TE 7

Σχετικά Έγγραφα

EN 54-25 : 2008 - Identical