ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.08/A1
Components of automatic fire detection systems - Part 8 : Hight-temperature heat detectors
The standard contains requirements and test methods for point-type heat sensitive detectors that have high response temperatures and contain at least one element having a static response threshold.
The standard has been withdrawn
Publication Date
Withdrawal Date
Greek Title
Εξαρτήματα συστημάτων αυτόματης ανίχνευσης πυρκαϊάς - Μέρος 8 : Θερμοανιχνευτές υψηλής θερμοκρασίας
English Title
Components of automatic fire detection systems - Part 8 : Hight-temperature heat detectors
Standard Stage
Techincal Body
TE 4/OE3Replaced by
ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.05 Ε2:2001Amends
ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.08:1991Related Documents
AMD 1/88 to EN 54.8/84. - Identical