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ΕΛΟΤ ENV 13381.02

Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of stuctural members - Part 2: Vertical protective membranes

ΕΛΟΤ ENV 13381.02

Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of stuctural members - Part 2: Vertical protective membranes

62,00 €


This part of this European Prestandard specifies a test method for determining the ability of a vertical protective membrane, when used as a fire resistant barrier, to contribute to the fire resistance of loadbearing vertical structural building members fabricated from steel, concrete, steel / concrete composites or timber. The method described is applicable to any type of vertical protective membrane, which can be associated with a separate bracing membrane. The vertical protective membrane can be separate from the structural building member and be self-supporting or can be attached to the structural building member and can form part of any load bearing structure. This test method is applicable to vertical protective membranes where there is a separating gap of at least 5 mm size between the vertical protective membrane and the structural building member, otherwise alternative test methods prENV 13381-3, prENV 13381-4, prENV 13381-6 or prENV 13381-7 should be used as appropriate This test method and assessment is not applicable to the following: a) all situations where the cavity behind the vertical protective membrane contains more than a specified amount of combustible materials, e.g. electrical cables and pipes, other than where timber structural members themselves are required; b) all situations where the cavity is to be used as a service or ventilation shaft; c) all situations where the vertical protective membrane acts as a bracing membrane. This European Prestandard contains the fire test which specifies the tests which should be carried out whereby the vertical protective membrane together with the structural member to be protected is exposed to the specified fire. The fire exposure, to the standard temperature/time curve given in EN 1363-1, is applied to the side which would be exposed in practice. The test method makes provision, through specified optional additional procedures, for the collection of data which can be used as direct


The standard has been withdrawn

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Greek Title

Μέθοδοι δοκιμής για τον προσδιορισμό της συμβολής στην πυραντίσταση δομικών στοιχείων - Μέρος 2: Κατακόρυφες προστατευτικές μεμβράνες

English Title

Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of stuctural members - Part 2: Vertical protective membranes

Techincal Body

TE 7

Related Documents

ENV 13381-2 : 2002 - Identical