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ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.03/A2

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders

ΕΛΟΤ EN 54.03/A2

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders

45,00 €


This annex to EN 54-3 will describe the additional requirements and testing applicable to Audible fire alarm devices - Voice alarm sounders. Note: a voice alarm sounder is an audible fire alarm device that contains all the necessary components to generate and broadcast recorded voice messages.


The standard has been withdrawn

Publication Date


Withdrawal Date


Greek Title

Συστήματα πυρανίχνευσης και συναγερμού - Μέρος 3: Ηχητικές διατάξεις συναγερμού

English Title

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders

Techincal Body

TE 7

Related Documents

EN 54-3 : 2001/A2 : 2006 - Identical