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ΕΛΟΤ EN 1366-4+A1

Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 4: Linear joint seals

ΕΛΟΤ EN 1366-4+A1

Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 4: Linear joint seals


This European Standard specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of linear joint seals based on their intended end use. This European Standard is used in conjunction with EN 1363-1. The following tests are included in this European Standard: - no mechanically induced movement; - mechanically induced movement, either prior to or during fire exposure. This European Standard does not provide quantitative information on the rate of leakage of smoke and/or hot gases, or on the transmission or generation of fumes. The load-bearing capacity of a linear joint seal is not addressed in this European Standard.


The standard has been withdrawn

Publication Date


Withdrawal Date


Greek Title

Δοκιμές πυραντίστασης για τεχνικές εγκαταστάσεις - Μέρος 4: Σφραγιστικά ευθύγραμμων αρμών

English Title

Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 4: Linear joint seals

Techincal Body

TE 7

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